About the Area

Things to see & do

See and Do near us

There is a lot to see and do near 21 Callanish…below are some of our recommendations…


Lewis and Harris have some of the finest fresh produce in Scotland, and there is a wide range of restaurants that serve excellent food. Most restaurants are 25 minutes away in Stornoway or you may prefer to dine on the west coast where you can even eat overlooking a stunning beach.


Lewis and Harris are renowned for having some of the best beaches in the world.   Dalmore Beach where you can see and hear the full force of the atlantic waves hitting the beautiful rugged coastline is a 17 minute drive north. Should you like a beach that is more sheltered and calm, Reef beach (pictured) which is 21 miles to the west offers an amazing composition of colours and a wonderful walk.


Golden and sea eagles can at times be seen flying over the croft (picture a golden eagle flying over the croft). There are also wildlife boat trips within a 25 minute drive where you can see an array of wildlife including seals and whales.


Gearrannan Blackhouse Village